Writing to Your Loved One After They Have Passed
As directors of funeral homes in Lugoff, SC., we understand that one of the most difficult things about losing a loved one is no longer having that communication with them. For example, you loved your conversations with them and telling them about your day. When they are gone it can be challenging to get used to not being able to pick up the phone and tell them about the funny thing that happened at work or a funny movie you just saw.
One thing that can help with this void is writing your loved one letters. While this wont fill the void completely, it can be very therapeutic and create a sense of closeness with our loved one. If you are curious how this works or how to get started, keep reading.
Writing Your Loved One Notes
What You Need
Fortunately, this activity is easy to begin as it doesn’t take any more thana pen or pencil and a notebook. What type of notebook you choose is up to you. Some people may prefer a simple notebook from the local grocery store while others may opt for a fancier journal found a gift shop or book store. Whatever the case, just pick a notebook you feel comfortable writing in.
What Do I Write?
Now you have your notebook, you may wonder how to get started. You might open up the notebook with the best of intentions only to be starring at the same blank sheet of paper 20 minutes later.
We get it. If you are not used to writing letters (and who is nowadays), this can feel awkward at first. Even though you may know this if for your eyes only, it may feel weird to write what is on your heart. Just know that nobody will ever have to see this so give yourself permission to just write freely and say whatever you wish with no judgement. As time goes on, this process will feel much more normal and easy.
To get the ball rolling, it might help to first decide a topic to write about. Maybe you want to write about your favorite memory with your loved one. Perhaps you want to write and tell them something you wish you had said to them while they were alive. Maybe you want to tell them how you have changed since they have been gone.
No Rules
You can write as long or as short of a note as you’d like. You can also write as often or as little as you’d like. There is no right or wrong here. There are also no rules that is has to be a letter each time. You could choose to draw picture, write them a poem, make a bulleted list, etc. Simply put on paper whatever is on your heart.
After your loved one’s services from funeral homes in Lugoff, SC., writing to them like this can help bring a sense of closeness to them. This can also help you work through your pain and grief in a healthy way.
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