Avoid These 4 Mistakes When Preplanning Your Arrangements
While most people will agree that preplanning their final arrangements is a wonderful, loving act to show to their family, most people never actually follow through with action. The reasons for this can be many. First, it can be uncomfortable thinking about your own mortality and planning your services. Another reason is that many people don’t know what to do or where to get started preplanning. While funeral homes in Lugoff, SC. are happy to help you preplan, mistakes can still be made. We are going to over some of the most common so that you can avoid them.
1. Not Telling Your Family
Although it may seem obvious to share your plans with others, many people ignore this step. They may get busy with all of the planning and simply forget, or they may feel that as long as the papers are filed away, everything will be taken care of.
The fact is, that unless you let people know what your plans are, they are not going to know you made any. After your plans have been determined, set a meeting up with all involved family members. Let them know exactly what plans you have made, what is covered (and not covered), and which providers you made arrangements with.
2. Not Considering the Needs of Others
While these are your plans and final arrangements, you need to still take into consideration the needs and desires of other family members. For example, you may not think a formal funeral service is important, but it may be exactly what your family needs at the time of your passing to help them grieve.
Make sure to talk with your family and their wishes and needs to ensure they are being met as well as your own.
3. Not Knowing All Options
Many times, people may start preplanning before they truly know what they want or what options are even available. This can be true when it comes to how they wish to be buried or what type of cemetery they would like to be buried in. For example, there are lawn cemeteries, mausoleums and more, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Learning about your options beforehand can save you a lot of time and headache later.
4. Not Setting a Budget
One of the biggest advantages of preplanning is that you can often lock in the rates and prices of today before inflation and time raise them higher at the time of your passing. Still, you can often spend more than you desire if you fail to first set a budget.
Before you start preplanning, sit down and determine how much you are willing to spend. Then, when meeting with funeral homes, let them know of your budget so they can help you plan and stay within your desired range.
Final Thoughts
While preplanning your arrangements with funeral homes in Lugoff, SC. can be a huge asset to your family, certain mistakes in the planning stage many hinder the effectiveness of the plans. Making sure you avoid some of these common mistakes will ensure your plans are made thoughtfully and that all of your needs, as well as those of your family, are met.
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